I should probably give you a 3 month update in which direction my life has headed.
Ok so it basically starts in November when i went to glenbrooks
and i double broke! that was so much fun and
i have countless hilarious stories from that trip.
my sister came home for thanksgiving.
not gonna lie that was a really moderate thanksgiving.
it was at my house for a change and of course my irish uncle
was drunk as fuck, what new? and then we will move on a week later
and that will bring me to winter trophy. i took pfd for the
first time and i got third, who would of thought?
and me and my best friends sammi saunders whooped some
ass in our awesome duo! :) we both got fourth for the first times in our lives,
it was pretty epic. during this tournament week we
helped underprivilaged kids celebrate christmas but that
was kind of an epic fail since the theme was "Going Green."
lets be honest here, kids arent gonna have fun watching
you create a santa out of a toilet paper.
The next big event that occured was the Fullerton tournament.
alright this is was probably the best/worst thing ever.
i cant even describe it, i basically fell head over heals for someone
didnt do anything and lost my chance... thats all i will say on that note. (for now)
i also bombed at the tournament, i didnt break at all but the food made up for it.
on the last day of this trip we all went to disney land! SO MUCH FUN!!
i love disneyland! concluding my disney dream vacation was me getting sick.
It was the worst i have ever been, i got bronchitis, a sinus infection and a lung infection.
nott so fun! plus i had to get breathing treatments like every four hours.
Moving on to Christmas, well it was just christmas nothing to special.
EXCEPT my uncle got engaged which means there is a wedding in the near future!
new years this year was SO much fun!! i went to hannah sagers then to sammis! and i got
double teamed by the two lovely girls known as emily and lauren!
i said i dont agree with resolutions but secretly i have one, it is to be more forward and
aggressive with what i want, and that is yet to still be achieved.
also that night i called someone and said something completely stupid to someone
but to my amazement she was fine with it.
hey isnt it funny how you work hard on something and it doesnt pay off and then something you have totally neglected for a while succeeds, yeah well that happened to me.
ASU was one major stomach ache/blur. it was seriously so weird this year.
for starters it felt like i had fish hooks in my stomach the whole first day
and next i actually broke. and it wasnt even by accident. i was one point away
from being in the Duo Interp finals. and i spent kind of a lot of time on my humor and poetry.
kind of a bummer but im not complaining.
finally this last week a little weird for me. and i know what i am about to say is going
to sound pretty cocky but i went into the musical thinking i will have a part.
and i made call backs and was like DUH. i owned the first day
then i came home feeling stupid and thinking, "fuck, i will probably make onle ensemble."
and i was dissapointed but when i went to checked the postings of the cast list iwasnt on there at all. and i know i sounds soooo stupid but this was the first time i have ever not made a production. i guess it was good thing thought i needed a kick in the ass. it was really a humbling and new experience for me.
this past weeked was a three-day weekend and it was much needed.
i started the weekend off by going to native to watch the suns game. EPCI FAIL.
im soo dissapointed in the suns this season. i think the new coach should be fired.
then i hung out with the lovely kelsea on saturday and we hit up chipoot.
and i had an epic four square tournament!
and on saturday i played poker with the guys and ended the evening with some
funny moments with brandon. oh and GOOO CARDINALS!!
who would have thought that the cardinals would have made it to a superbowl?
haha and i got a new phone that was a pretty nice way to nd the weekend!
ok sorry for the longest post ever but it was necessary for you to keep track on where i stand right now!:)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
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